Quick Setup

Quickly create a project using this framework

The directory structure for a project using sirJuni Framework should be as shown below (it is not necessary to have same project structure but this tutorial will assume the structure below):

- ProjectName/
    - App/
        - config.php
        - routes.php
        - model.php
        - controllers.php
    - static/
        - css/
        - js/
        - images/
    - templates/
        - index.html
    - index.php
    - .htaccess
    - composer.json

After creating a directory with above structure, copy the below contents into composer.json

    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "sirJuni\\Framework\\" : "vendor/shoaib/sir-juni/src/"

    "require": {
        "shoaib/sir-juni" : "dev-master"


Make sure you have composer installed by running the following command in your terminal

$ composer --version

If its not installed, then go the official website https://getcomposer.org/download/ and install it from there.

After adding above contents to composer.json run, enter the root directory of the project (here : ProjectName/) and run $ composer install.

It would download the framework and create a directory by the name vendor which contains the autoload.php. Every file that uses components from this framework should include this autoload.php file at the top, which then allows auto loading of classes to work.

Enable URL rewriting

Since this framework is MVC based, we have a single file that gets all the requests to handle. This file then sends the request to different components of the Framework ending with rendering of a page.

To enable url rewriting, create a file in the root directory of the project (ProjectName/) by the name .htaccess. This file describes config on per folder basis. So, putting it in the root folder, describes its config.

Paste the following contents in this file

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(css|js|jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$

RewriteRule ^(.+)$ index.php [L]

What above file does is, if we try to visit any url that does not end with a file extension listed above, it rewrites that url and sends the request to the index.php file which is our entry point into the framework.

The above file extensions are blacklisted because we want to be able to embed images and css, js files in our html pages.

If you want to understand what each line does, just use ChatGPT for that.

Last updated